Girl Scouts Cookies Lip Balm

girls, you like cookies?

Chocolate Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter, Thin Mints, Trefoils and Coconut Caramel Stripes?
yummy yummy...

Girl Scout Cookies lip balm set

lovely cookies chart by ilovecharts

Lip Smacker always know the girls' heart..
it introduce the Girl Scouts Cookies lip balms which smell and taste are just like the cookies!

you don't need to worry to get pounds by wearing it, actually...
maybe you will totally in love with it by licking your lips always^^

chocolate peanut butter

thin mints


coconut caramel stripes

peanut butter

they are hydrating, tasty and affordable..
and these will be gonna a lip gloss version too in the coming year!

get all 5 flavors in a set with just $5 at Wal-Mart or Claire's stores,
